This is an unstoppable movement based in love, care and respect for the ONE family of earth. One love, one heart, one planet, one. We are the change we wish to see. And the love we wish to be. Release, receive, restore. Peace. Love. Understanding. Compassion. Care and Respect. Enjoy the ICM 2016 Platform !!
#bethemedicine #humanmedicinewheel
As the eagle flies together with the condor and the butterfly, we bring together and unite as one with all loving creations. Each human is an imaginal cell that will come together, to create the butterfly of transformation and hope, love and true light. Each human is an imaginal cell, and a medicine wheel. Our hearts take care of a easy 7 mile radius, and if we choose can travel much farther. Through our imaginations and intentions, we create or co create our reality. Based on perception, thoughts, feelings, and each other. Our spirit inside of us guides us if we will only listen. Meditation and Yoga, Music, and Art all are forms of allowing spirit to flow through us.
A Person as a medicine wheel
Rainbow Thunder Heart gave Heidi Little the directions for the new medicine wheels for Sumer and Winter Solstice. We are being asked to bring in the energies of the family in the center, the trinity, man woman and child. We are being asked to create the White Buffalo in the East with the Black Buffalo in SE. We are being asked to bring in the spirit of the White Eagle in the SOUTH with the Black Eagle in the SW. We are being asked to bring in the energies of the WHITE BEAR in the WEST and the BLACK BEAR in the NW . And we are being asked to bring in the energies of the WHITE WOLF IN THE NORTH and the BLACK WOLF in the NE. Sending the support and love and encouragement to the center trinity, to the family, will restore the balance to the planet, to ourselves to each other. Bavado asked that we clear up all old contracts with ourselves and others before we do the work, clean the wound before we apply the healing.
NEXT BIG EVENT PUSH IS DECEMBER 21, 2016 teach the children.

By clicking the little image to the left, you will be taken to The Secret Prayer website. A little prayer Dr. Joe Vitale from a movie called The Secret. It really is a wonderful little prayer that works miracles. We've tried it !! When you get to the website, scroll down to the bottom of the page and Dr. Vitale will guide you through by audio the secret prayer.

Activity #1 to prepare for the Global Medicine Wheel: Wisdom from Rainbow Thunder Heart of the Earth Wisdom Foundation:
"The first thing that is required for a restoration of whole being medicine wheel, is to release all old contracts of pain and suffering. Ask creator, spirit, God, the universe to dissolve any existing contracts from this lifetime or any other lifetimes that you agreed to that create pain and suffering in your life. Do this how you feel called and directed, inspired."
"The first thing that is required for a restoration of whole being medicine wheel, is to release all old contracts of pain and suffering. Ask creator, spirit, God, the universe to dissolve any existing contracts from this lifetime or any other lifetimes that you agreed to that create pain and suffering in your life. Do this how you feel called and directed, inspired."
International children love whole being activity platform 2016~ receive #2

The art of receiving. We are often taught in life to give is more important than to receive. And while it is very important to give, we cannot give that which we do not have. Giving and receiving are a circle. In energy medicine and in indigenous ceremony the left hand is the receiving hand and the right hand is the giving hand, just like we have two sides to our hearts. One receives the blood and the other sends it out to the body. To ensure whole ness we must learn to receive energy, ideas, love, wealth.

_Visit http://www.bucketfillers101.com/free-resources.php For fun children's crosswords, coloring and more !!

Share the beauty of Mr. Rogers full free video episodes here http://pbskids.org/rogers/videos/

Activity #2 to prepare for the Global Medicine Wheel from the wisdom of Rainbow Thunder Heart of the Earth Wisdom Foundation: Purpose. Each one of us has a purpose that is unique to us. What is your purpose ? what do you feel called to create ? to bring to the planet to the family of earth?
International children love whole being activity platform 2016~ #3 restore

Restoration comes after releasing that that does not serve us, after receiving energy and love, good food and balance. It is what it means to have your cup runneth over. When we are restored, we have enough of everything we need in ourselves and in our lives. We create. We are inspired. We are happy, and healthy. Our biggest wish for International Children Love Whole Being 2016~ is that you feel empowered, and happy, and like you can change the world. Because you can. And it is time. Now.
A message from Grandmother Crossbear Our first Grandmother in the Elders Guardian Council for ICM :
To be restored indicates that there was a previous time or moment to go back to. Restoring something is bringing it back. So bringing us back into whole being. To remembering and restoring us to the time with the knowledge that though we may be made up of parts, all parts are necessary to our optimum healthy being. This includes all realms; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual; animal nations including two legged, four legged, winged ones , swimmers and crawlers; plant nations trees, flora and fauna; star nations and all their beings…
My hopes included having a collective inclusion of all. My vision is that we operate with the understanding and consideration of the impact of our actions on the next seven generations of that collective. My goal is to contribute my knowledge, skills and talents to achieving that vision.
Shannon CrossBear
Strongheart Resource Development
A message from Grandmother Crossbear Our first Grandmother in the Elders Guardian Council for ICM :
To be restored indicates that there was a previous time or moment to go back to. Restoring something is bringing it back. So bringing us back into whole being. To remembering and restoring us to the time with the knowledge that though we may be made up of parts, all parts are necessary to our optimum healthy being. This includes all realms; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual; animal nations including two legged, four legged, winged ones , swimmers and crawlers; plant nations trees, flora and fauna; star nations and all their beings…
My hopes included having a collective inclusion of all. My vision is that we operate with the understanding and consideration of the impact of our actions on the next seven generations of that collective. My goal is to contribute my knowledge, skills and talents to achieving that vision.
Shannon CrossBear
Strongheart Resource Development
Our New Campaign for May through December involves Being The Medicine.
Did you know you are a medicine wheel ? and that the Compass was designed exactly the same as the medicine wheel from the indigenous peoples of earth from long long history past ? It's time to #bethemedicine in your own life. Our thoughts are powerful and we believe this platform has proven it !! Why not turn your thoughts to what is important to you ? Just like a compass, there is a center point, four directions and then the in between directions. Ready ? Paint it, draw it, create it out of rocks, feathers, sticks. The important points ? Place yourself and spirit/God in the middle, then what is important to you ? you have 8 spots to fill. Have fun !! Dig deep !! Love infinitely ! and send up your iphone pic to [email protected]
Did you know you are a medicine wheel ? and that the Compass was designed exactly the same as the medicine wheel from the indigenous peoples of earth from long long history past ? It's time to #bethemedicine in your own life. Our thoughts are powerful and we believe this platform has proven it !! Why not turn your thoughts to what is important to you ? Just like a compass, there is a center point, four directions and then the in between directions. Ready ? Paint it, draw it, create it out of rocks, feathers, sticks. The important points ? Place yourself and spirit/God in the middle, then what is important to you ? you have 8 spots to fill. Have fun !! Dig deep !! Love infinitely ! and send up your iphone pic to [email protected]

Activity #3 to prepare for the global medicine wheel from the wisdom of Rainbow Thunder Heart and the Earth Wisdom Foundation: "If the people feel called to create ceremonies to heal the earth it will simultaneously heal the person performing the ceremony."
Over the course of the next six months we will be making available various ceremonies people can do to help themselves and the planet and family to wholeness. We thank you for your love filled participation in this truly remarkable event.
"Every Day is a brand new day never been used. " Grandfather Golden Eagle
Did you know you are a medicine wheel ? Your heart has two sides that work together to create one whole system that takes care of your whole body.
Try this. Map out your life as a medicine wheel. Place yourself in the center with Spirit/Source/God, and from there map out in the four directions, North. East. South, and West the important areas in YOUR life you are the medicine for, like Mom's, Dad's or our family, like what inspires you and makes you unique, what are your best gifts to this earth walk ? You get four more spokes for North East, South East, South West, and North West.
international children love whole being activity platform ~ #4 TRANSCENDENCE
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Set intentions and have them backed up by people across the globe, meditate solo or in a group with people from anywhere.... the all new Amplified, a new way to intention. A new way to come together in real time visit : https://app.amplifield.com/

The Imagine Peace Flame is burning bright, with locations across the planet. People dedicated as fire keepers to keeping it lit. Just like us. Keeping the spirit of peace and pure love alive within our heart centers. Thank you for your participation in this years International Children Love Whole Being. We are One. And unstoppable.
Global medicine wheel
Did you know you are a Medicine Wheel ? The human body is made up of energy. And we at ICM want you to experience how to BE THE MEDICINE in your own life ! Here is what a medicine wheel looks like
The Free Children's Book from the earth wisdom foundation ! available in 8 languages !! Here we grow ! June 20 and 21, 2016 let's make history !
feature activity: share your seeds. Need seeds ? email us it's all about depositing in people, in our earth. save your seeds and share your seeds. gmo free rainbow corn available through icm
HONORING GRANDFATHER CARL BURNS and his work with the Rainbow Corn
“I stand in a radiant Glory.
My roots in the heart of Mother Earth.
My crown in the clouds of Father Sky.
The Four Winds encircle me in spirals of Love.
One going up, then down,
One going down, then up.
They meet in the Center of Complete Perfection--
The Human Stalk of Corn.”
--Carl Barnes
“I stand in a radiant Glory.
My roots in the heart of Mother Earth.
My crown in the clouds of Father Sky.
The Four Winds encircle me in spirals of Love.
One going up, then down,
One going down, then up.
They meet in the Center of Complete Perfection--
The Human Stalk of Corn.”
--Carl Barnes
Official international children's month logo One !
"One becomes two. Two becomes many. Many becomes ONE."
Our motto. Together we are strong !
Let's make products together !!
IMAGE #1 One
Our motto. Together we are strong !
Let's make products together !!
IMAGE #1 One
Image #2
One the movement.
We have heard it all our lives. Together we are strong. And here at International Children's Month our ENTIRE BEINGS EXIST TO SUPPORT LOVE, CARE and RESPECT of ALL THE CHILDREN OF EARTH. The oneness movement has been spoken about for ever by such loved poets as Rumi, Buddha, Jesus, and more.. it is a continuation this present day to become and truly be one family. All living things in love, care and respect, That includes our precious planet, plant life, waters, animals, creepy crawlers.. everything and everyONE. Because, what I do to myself I do to you, what I do to you I do to myself.
Get your ONE on. www.oneclothingunify.com
ICM Inspiring family AUDIO STORIES
Take a moment and enjoy ~ ICM ojibwe STORYTELLER GRANDMOTHER SHANNON CROSSBEAR Imagine/water/earth/whole being
ICM / International Children's Month New campaign
WE invite you to : Map you and your life into a medicine wheel ! and #bethemedicine !!
Hashtag it #bethemedicine
Twitter it @icmloveearth
FB it with your images of your medicine wheels !!!
We are going to create one big peace of artwork when we receive all the submissions and it will be printed and raffled off to support our seed saving and sharing for the future generations !! let us know if you would like to be included next year to grow RAINBOW CORN
activities for 2016
#1 global medicine wheel and prep
#2 facebook buddies / share your photo's and video's of your participation especially during june International children's month do some special poses with your family
(create a pyramid, all wear your favorite faces etc)
the top 3 will win a prize !!
#3 get something going on just for you every day
#4 become pure love, with an open heart,
body, mind and soul
#5 PLant, harvest and share your (pure non gmo) seeds, transform world hunger
#6 use your voice for the plants, animals and Mother nature
#7 always look for who is helping
#8 thoughts become things, your thoughts are very important
#9 ICM Workshops and events: Star elders calendar teachings and grandmothers council.
more news tba!!!!!!!!!
Inspired to create a platform like ICM? We want to support you in every way we can. If you need help email Heidi Little at [email protected] other than that, we see the inspiration and the platforms popping up. Be kind. Please give International Children's Month the credit it deserves. You have our thanks for including us as we include you. That is called unity. ICM and it's platforms are designed by source energy through Heidi Little and her board of directors. Serving mankind and the earth since 1975.
Would you like to book a platform like this in your school? at your business? Do you know your people would benefit from these skills and knowledge? You can book today ! www.heidilittlecoaching.weebly.com Would you like our Grandmother Crossbear to come and work with you ? ? email us for her availability at [email protected]
Would you like to book a platform like this in your school? at your business? Do you know your people would benefit from these skills and knowledge? You can book today ! www.heidilittlecoaching.weebly.com Would you like our Grandmother Crossbear to come and work with you ? ? email us for her availability at [email protected]