This platform is a full year long offering. We hope that you will continue to share, and visit as we add the new components over the coming months. Following the lead from the children we will be focusing our energies on building teams and partnerships to support the restoration of our environment. A youth driven movement is happening, and the grown ups and the young people are ready to joyfully do the work! Restoring the Lungs of Our Planet is the name of this love game... More news coming!
Sponsored in part by:
The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning,
the teaching revolution!
The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning,
the teaching revolution!
We are international educators raising the bar of love, care and respect of ourselves and all children of earth. The teachers revolution!! REGISTRATION now open for stacking certifications!
What does love in action look like? What does love in action sound like? What does love in action feel like?
This year we explore all the various ways we can be and co create love in action. Along with a challenge~ How are you showing up in the world? at the grocery store, with your family, at work, school, out being social How are we showing up in the world? Does it feel in alignment? Since we know we are love, and love is who we are... what does love look like for us personally? Each person here is a divine, miraculous unfolding. We each have our own Unique Energetic Signature... what you bring to the planet, to the streets, only you can bring. Be strong in your heart, be strong in your dreams. Let's show the world what we can do in the name of love! International Children's Month 2019 Platform is TAKING IT TO THE STREETS! Love In Action! International Children's Month web site is based in Oral Traditions. If you are inspired, please cite your source. We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. IN the name of love we thank Gandhi, our indigenous relatives/relations, and for this year especially the first wave of love in action creators of the 60's...We have come full circle. GAME ON and BE THE MEDICINE! #ICMTakingItToTheStreets #ICMGameOn #ICMGlobalWaveofLove #ICMBeTheMedicine
This year we explore all the various ways we can be and co create love in action. Along with a challenge~ How are you showing up in the world? at the grocery store, with your family, at work, school, out being social How are we showing up in the world? Does it feel in alignment? Since we know we are love, and love is who we are... what does love look like for us personally? Each person here is a divine, miraculous unfolding. We each have our own Unique Energetic Signature... what you bring to the planet, to the streets, only you can bring. Be strong in your heart, be strong in your dreams. Let's show the world what we can do in the name of love! International Children's Month 2019 Platform is TAKING IT TO THE STREETS! Love In Action! International Children's Month web site is based in Oral Traditions. If you are inspired, please cite your source. We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. IN the name of love we thank Gandhi, our indigenous relatives/relations, and for this year especially the first wave of love in action creators of the 60's...We have come full circle. GAME ON and BE THE MEDICINE! #ICMTakingItToTheStreets #ICMGameOn #ICMGlobalWaveofLove #ICMBeTheMedicine
What is a global wave of love?
Utilizing the Fibonacci sequence of increasing divine increments of love, we begin in New Zealand and end in Hawaii culminating a full 24 hours of people coming together across the world with a shared intention. It has been scientifically proven that when we put our hearts and minds together great things can happen. This concept was designed by International Children's Month in 2013.
Chief Lookinghorse and Greta at standing rock.
It was a big year. With one billion strong. It started off with just a few standing up for our Mother Earth. Our circles of elders and practitioners work together. The children picked up on the energy of support and empowerment and took it farther than any of us could have imagined. We are so grateful to our youth leaders who have taken up the courage and bravery to stand alone and as a group for climate balance, and climate justice. World Peace and Prayer Day usually falls on the same day as our Childrens Global Wave of Love. We are grateful and honored to be partnered with our indigenous relatives as we support and uplift a way of life that has kept things in balance for millennia. May balance be restored. Thank you for standing in your light and love. Shine on loves.. shine one.. Love, Mrs. Heidi
This is Heidi Little here, Co founder and Director of International Children's Month, with Grandmother/Noko Shannon Crossbear and Grandfather/Earth Day Saver/Campaign for the Earth: Bob Challenger. I want to take a special moment here, to thank Shannon for all her work at Standing Rock, with trauma, and healing and restoration of all our relations, and for her work with the youth, especially in discussing and embodying what it means to be a good relative.... your work and tireless dedication to a miracle way are very very much appreciated by all Noko Shannon. Thank you deeply. And Bob thank you for all your work serving our humanity and planet by holding space for us to take care of our precious earth. And thank you for stewarding in and creating with me, the Children's Global Wave of Love. We came up with the concept, and we implemented it since 2014. As this evolution and awakening unfolds, many catch ideas and run with them.. that is what a good teacher expects. I am giving credit here where credit is due. Thanking and acknowledging you both. Love Heidi and all the people who frequent this platform. Empowered children and youth. It is done.
From the book of honor 2013 and beyond.. a book written by the people for the people.. so we may know and have reference to a love in action way forward...
Here is the full live feed on Facebook
YOUTH IN ACTION FOR THE CLIMATE!!! Thank you all who are participating. We stand for #Climatebalance clean water, fresh air, and healthy soil.
Enjoy this Interview for WE the world's CHILDREN & YOUTH - With Jamie Margolin (This is zero Hour), And Heidi Little (International CHildrens MOnth/The Center for Advancement in Social EMotional LEarning) -
Climate Action to Restore Balance.
From Greta Thunberg, to Earth Guardians, to This is Zero Hour, young people are increasingly becoming involved, advocating and activated for their future planetary conditions and rightfully so. We are launching community youth groups throughout the world, furthering our mission of "Children across the planet in love, care and respect." Your action means the world. We are beginning with three types of groups: Youth In Action for the Coral, Youth in Action The Green Panther Movement, and Youth in Action For The Planet ~Plant, Garden, Permatculture...
Click the images to go to the Youth In Action page, and to learn more...
From Greta Thunberg, to Earth Guardians, to This is Zero Hour, young people are increasingly becoming involved, advocating and activated for their future planetary conditions and rightfully so. We are launching community youth groups throughout the world, furthering our mission of "Children across the planet in love, care and respect." Your action means the world. We are beginning with three types of groups: Youth In Action for the Coral, Youth in Action The Green Panther Movement, and Youth in Action For The Planet ~Plant, Garden, Permatculture...
Click the images to go to the Youth In Action page, and to learn more...
Self love tools, and techniques, Created, tested, and proven 100 percent effective over 25 years.. the three meditations to heal, bring in your higher power, and keep you cleared and in balance.
Grandfather golden eagles teaches how to build your own water medicine wheel!
It is past time to learn and understand our responsibility and honor as earth caretakers. There is great joy in this empowerment and knowledge. In this video with Grandfather Golden Eagle you will learn about medicine wheels, and more specifically water medicine wheels. Create one for yourself, your family, your community your world... The first nations call it 'Restoring The Sacred Hoop".
Balance. Love. Harmony. Respect. Beauty. Joy. Peace.
Balance. Love. Harmony. Respect. Beauty. Joy. Peace.
Love, I thank you. I am sorry. please forgive me. I love you.
Messages from water shows us that how we think and speak to ourselves, others and the waters changes everything.
do you have a message you want to share with the world? WE your children...
An Urgent Message From Your Children is a Public Service Video Series featuring children speaking in their own words to adults, expressing their fears, concerns and their hopes for the future of our planet, and making an appeal to all of us to respond with appropriate urgency. We made the video above with an incredible group of kids (all under 13 years old). The videos below are submissions from kids and their parents, teachers or friends. Make your own video and Add Your Voice. Click Here for easy step by step instructions takes 2 minutes !
One. we move forward understanding we are all connected.
This is the Time to truly raise the bar for love care and respect of all children of earth! Use your social media, use your position, use your voice, your talents, your love. Support a planetary coming together of love. ICM will be running the global wave in from fort ancient. we look forward to this gathering of the rainbow tribes, and of the healers, lovers, mothers, fathers, humanitarians, environmentalists and more..
20/20 We are on the road. This year is 49 years for earth day.. We send forth our love, care and respect of our beautiful mother earth.
The Charter for compassion~
introducing the center for advancement in social emotional learning
Happy Blessed earth month #earthmonth #earthdayeveryday
HIGHLIGHT THE LIGHTS! Shining the light on the Love in action! BRINGING in the light! Shining our little lights!
The N’we Jinan Tour Is A Music Initiative that brings a mobile recording studio and a video production team into schools and youth CENTERS across First Nation and Native American communities. The program offers youth the chance to create an original song and music video that explores relevant issues and topics while promoting positive messaging, community engagement and collective voice.
Teach self love, love, care and respect of all children in public systems Please Sign here~we are already 10 million strong from the last 7 years of support. #Nochildleftbehind #Oneloverising #LoveIsWhoWeare
Self love. you are the most powerful person in your life.

A message on how to treat our youth
You may think that Climate Change is a hoax. And that is just fine. You may also think our children are being used politically, for a moment we go beyond politics. WE do know that we have a certain amount of drinking water, and a certain amount of rain forest, and a certain amount of coral, and that all three are threatened right now because of poor legislation, love, care and respect. So. Let's turn this thing around. Would you like info on how to help? email us at [email protected] There are 7 years of activities for you to do individually or in a group along the left hand side column of this web site. International Children's Month is a fully stocked platform for tools, activities and resources to empower and uplift our youth, to bring up our conscious understanding of how and why we should take care of our beautiful planet, each other, and our collective future.
Thank you Greta, and thank you to the children who are spearheading this important transition from child abuse to children's future care.
Thank you Greta, and thank you to the children who are spearheading this important transition from child abuse to children's future care.
Not only are we advocating the teachings of this platform in schools, community centers, and enrichment activities.. 2013 to present..
we are also advocating to integrate the peace pledge
This site is a for profit. Because we must fund raise and create money to change things. We have given away the teachings for 7 years. For the first time in 7 years we are opening support of this platform to the public. Spearhead this r/evolution with us. Your money goes to children who ask us for it. As we move forward in supplying the children with the things they need, we will write stories and show you pictures to keep you informed as to where the money is going to. If you don't see any stories it is because no one is supporting. Looking forward to receiving monies to make things work for our youth and for the objectives of this platform "Children across the planet in love, care and respect." A'ho all our relations. Thank you Donate Today and support the message of love, care and respect even more with fb paid ads and a few other tricks of the social marketing trade... big love and thanks from the front lines Heidi Little, Bob Challenger, and Shannon Crossbear. We are Fiscally Sponsored by WE, The World with the 11 Days of Global Unity. That means TAX DEDUCTIBLE !!!! Make a donation? We Will respond with a receipt. THANKS!!!!!!
Music unites us, heals us, connects us to love. Join in the celebration of CONSCIOUS artists and love in action players by listening, sharing and gifting or contributing your song.
WE The World is putting together a new album compilation for each one of us, to inspire, uplift and ignite! The music will be used to support festivals, events, and media. Submissions from 18 and under must be accompanied by written permission from your guardian, and all submissions must come with permission for us to put your song on a non exclusive album compilation, that will utilize all funds to put on more events and concerts for our love in action. Submit your music to [email protected]
Non Violent Communication
There are many plans for caravans in 2019. ICM will be holding a caravan and partnering with WE, The World and the youth across Turtle Island. Where is your caravan going? what is the message? Here is what our team at Unity.Earth is preparing :
The vision of the Road to 2020 is a global series of increasingly public transformational events. Events to date have been held in New York City; Crestone, Colorado; Delhi, India; in the Australian outback for the return of Mungo Man; and U Day Ethiopia at the African Union with the United Religions Initiative and other partners. Larger events are now being planned across India in 2019 and in Jerusalem for World Interfaith Harmony Week 2020. All these global events are building up to the climactic Caravan of Unity across the United States in September 2020.
The vision of the Road to 2020 is a global series of increasingly public transformational events. Events to date have been held in New York City; Crestone, Colorado; Delhi, India; in the Australian outback for the return of Mungo Man; and U Day Ethiopia at the African Union with the United Religions Initiative and other partners. Larger events are now being planned across India in 2019 and in Jerusalem for World Interfaith Harmony Week 2020. All these global events are building up to the climactic Caravan of Unity across the United States in September 2020.
Love in action can take many forms.. from the smallest random act of kindness to global solutions...
Do you have abilities that go beyond what people think is the norm? Guess what? Many of us do! One Love Rising has over 50 of the greatest interviews on earth of experts and specialists on all kinds of topics in healing body, mind and spirit. We are not alone, and we do belong to each other. Explore the understandings and workings of One Consciousness with your hosts Heidi Little and Bob Challenger. New Interviews coming Feb 2019
This platform will be added to throughout the year as we learn, grow and understand how to work together. Love ICM
ICM Is funded by:
We appreciate deeply our partners, financial sponsors, and donors.
This is a collective humanitarian effort. We deeply thank all of our partners and contributors in co creating this beautiful sel offering for all. Love and deep gratitude as we become and grow in love in action. happy 2019!!
Annual Events......Next up 2020!
International Womens Day March 8th, 2019 Was a beautiful panel of love and light experts. It is now on the fb page, and will be uploaded to the Center for Advancement in SEL. page:
Secret agent compassion games for earth month! click the pic and here we go!
Investors, gifts and donations now being received! You can donate through pay-pal
We are fiscally sponsored and partnered for the Environment, Peace and Children And Youth Themes through WE, The World
501 C 3 We will email you a tax deductible donation in February 2020.
We are becoming a for profit charity and will be working on reef restoration and forest restoration for the next 3 years.
Thank you!
We are fiscally sponsored and partnered for the Environment, Peace and Children And Youth Themes through WE, The World
501 C 3 We will email you a tax deductible donation in February 2020.
We are becoming a for profit charity and will be working on reef restoration and forest restoration for the next 3 years.
Thank you!