International Children's month is proud OF EARTH GUARDIANS !!!! TODAY IS THE DAY OF GLOBAL SILENCE.Dec 10,2014
This is 11 year old Itzcuauhtli he along with Millions of other children are on a silent strike to get the Government moving on protecting our environment. More important info and how to join here :
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Share and Save the Banner !! On June 21st every year at 1:11 pm in every time zone Children and Families, lovers and friends across the globe come together for the Children's Global Wave Of Love~ The intention prayer/meditation ~"Children across the globe in love, care and respect." Join community in Niagara Falls to "HUG NIAGARA" (See map on the bottom of the page)

In light of our precious resources children and water, and events such as Fukushima and other pollutants, our central theme for 2014 is International Children Love Water 2014.
Taking a child to a beach, river, puddle, or stream and allowing them time to play, love, laugh, snorkel, explore, find joy, and give thanks and love to the water and it's creatures, is a special thing.
For 2014 we have designed a full platform to support our love. We are honored to feature Dr. Emoto’s children’s book Messages From Water. Through the work of Dr.Emoto, and his children’s water crystal book Messages From Water, we believe and have scientific proof that if we love the water, intention to the water it is clean and pure, thank it for it’s super hero ability’s to heighten it’s vibration with our help, we will help purify the water and our hearts. Here on our site you will find a free PDF download of the full color version of the book made available by Dr. Emoto for all the children and guardians of the world. Read more about our love relationships with water from Dr. Emoto here:
STEP #1 THE CHILDREN's BOOK "MESSAGES FROM WATER " click here: Thank you Dr. Emoto and The Hado Foundation !
Taking a child to a beach, river, puddle, or stream and allowing them time to play, love, laugh, snorkel, explore, find joy, and give thanks and love to the water and it's creatures, is a special thing.
For 2014 we have designed a full platform to support our love. We are honored to feature Dr. Emoto’s children’s book Messages From Water. Through the work of Dr.Emoto, and his children’s water crystal book Messages From Water, we believe and have scientific proof that if we love the water, intention to the water it is clean and pure, thank it for it’s super hero ability’s to heighten it’s vibration with our help, we will help purify the water and our hearts. Here on our site you will find a free PDF download of the full color version of the book made available by Dr. Emoto for all the children and guardians of the world. Read more about our love relationships with water from Dr. Emoto here:
STEP #1 THE CHILDREN's BOOK "MESSAGES FROM WATER " click here: Thank you Dr. Emoto and The Hado Foundation !

STEP #2 We are also honored to announce our partnership and FEATURE ACTIVITY the making of WATER WHEELS !! the showcasing of Grandfather Golden Eagle’s Water Wheel ‘s ! When Grandfather Golden Eagle told Director Heidi Little about being called to create 172,000 Water Wheels by 2016 we thought we should help. Heidi and Hanna began the International Children Love Water Workshops on March 20th, in Sedona, AZ.
Did you see the instructional video above on how to create your own water wheel ?? If you missed it , at the top of this page ! For all individuals, schools, community centers and guardians to facilitate, this much needed education, of huge historical and future significance in social, and environmental responsibility WATER WHEELS ARE FUN for our kids ! Draw them in the dirt. Fill them in with cornmeal and learn and mentor intentions ! A fabulous thing to do for your family or community !!! Here is Hanna and Heidi's First One bottom of page !
Get a kit !! head over to your local rock shop for rose quartz or clear quartz and the grocery store for yellow and white cornmeal.
Did you see the instructional video above on how to create your own water wheel ?? If you missed it , at the top of this page ! For all individuals, schools, community centers and guardians to facilitate, this much needed education, of huge historical and future significance in social, and environmental responsibility WATER WHEELS ARE FUN for our kids ! Draw them in the dirt. Fill them in with cornmeal and learn and mentor intentions ! A fabulous thing to do for your family or community !!! Here is Hanna and Heidi's First One bottom of page !
Get a kit !! head over to your local rock shop for rose quartz or clear quartz and the grocery store for yellow and white cornmeal.

STEP 3: SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY !! Tell 5 friends, 1 library, 1 community center and 1 local charity THANKS !
WHAT IS YOUR CHILD'S SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION !!! Children these days need encouragement. To many days spent in desks having to worry about everything. Ask them what calls to them. Help them get what they need. Supply them the resources. And help them get the powerful messages to us. Make sure you share and like the ICM FACEBOOK PAGE !!!
What is this fabulous corn you see ??? Next years International children Love Land & Water 2015 ! Featuring gardens, rainbow corn, Mission Blue, Earth Guardians, bee's and creating a new way of being with food, and water.
Together we will transform children unfed into children loved and fed.
WHAT IS YOUR CHILD'S SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION !!! Children these days need encouragement. To many days spent in desks having to worry about everything. Ask them what calls to them. Help them get what they need. Supply them the resources. And help them get the powerful messages to us. Make sure you share and like the ICM FACEBOOK PAGE !!!
What is this fabulous corn you see ??? Next years International children Love Land & Water 2015 ! Featuring gardens, rainbow corn, Mission Blue, Earth Guardians, bee's and creating a new way of being with food, and water.
Together we will transform children unfed into children loved and fed.

STEP 4: CHILDREN's GLOBAL SYNCHRONIZED "WAVE OF LOVE" and "NIAGARA HUG 2014" JUNE 21st, 2014 at 1:11 across the globe was a huge success ! Thank you to all who participated. We look forward to next year being even more UNIFIED ! Intentions on! We are honored to have Bob Challenger as our Director for our WAVE OF LOVE, The World's First Ever Global Wave of Love by the CHILDREN !!! Bob is the Grandmacdaddy of Synchronized Global Meditation, organizing the World's First in 1986, as well as The Campaign For The Earth or better known to us all as EARTH DAY !!!! Join ICM family in Niagara Falls on June 21st annually to Hug NIAGARA !!
STEP # 6 : Welcome home to ONE CLOTHING UNIFY
let's create abundance for all !! When you spend your money in favor of empowering children really see it happening as you are in the action of spending, see it come back to you in the way of children being supported !
An organization of dedicated youth from around the world committed
to standing up and protecting the Earth, Water, Air and Atmosphere
We WELCOME YOU HOME & SUPPORT all CHILDREN All FAMILY , ALL LIVING THINGS !!! grandmother’s and grandfathers, guardians, educators, youth care workers and mentors , organizations and groups, to join us and unite for a future that makes sense. This year's platform is Water, 2015 is International Children Love Land & Water. It is time for us to unite and turn this thing around. Flip the law of attraction back in favor of the people, our love, our care, our respect. Get involved ! Share our platform EVERYWHERE ! Support this unique and fun way to come together. For we are the one's we have been waiting for. We are supporting you in this transformation. We are planting rainbow corn all over the world, we are supporting and empowering children, we are growing gardens with schools and organizations, we are uniting the water people, we are holding the space for this beautiful new world to grow and bloom. We Work with Children from all over the world, but we need your help , create petitions, make art, set animals free, take on a body of water to be responsible for, sing your songs, spread your message. We are here to get this done ! And leave the children a legacy of information, love and understanding for their water. It is a time of Empowerment !!!
International Children’s Month~International Children Love Water 2014 !! HEALTHY WATERS=HEALTHY BODIES !!!