Founders and council

Heidi Little was standing in her kitchen when she heard " Make International Children's Month". She thought "as if there isn't already one" so she went to google, no children's month ? So she phoned her fellow council member and director of children's activities for Honoring The Circle Nancy Hummingbird and said " Nancy I have been instructed to create and launch International Children's Month and there isn't one yet, what do you say we do it for May 2014 will you help me ?" and Nancy responds, "Heidi when spirit gives us something to do we don't wait until May 2014 we do it now. June is coming up next. Let's launch it for June 2013. June is International Children's Month". Heidi took it to Mrs Katie, her Pre K teaching colleague and it was grounded into reality that day with International Children Imagine Peace 2013. And so here we are. Heidi created the website, and holds space 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the children of the world to live happy, healthy, love filled, abundant, lives. From Heidi " I have no idea how to do this. I am. We are. " And that dear friends. Is the story. Love and light to the children of earth, for they are our future, and we borrow this planet from them. We swear our life to the light and the earth. And to the children. Heidi is a lifetime singer/songwriter hear here: her conscious clothing company is One Clothing Unify and Here is an excerpt regarding her children's programs and platforms:
Our mission is "Children across the Planet in love, care and respect." And we believe every day is children's day, and that everyone is really a child of this planet, and of spirit. Heidi aims to support consciousness, spirituality, empowerment and creativity in all children. She is working on her master's in Education, and feels the performing arts are a great modality for teaching interdependence, self love, unity, community, and interconnectedness.
Heidi Little~ ICM Director/ Co founder, International Performing/Recording Artist, Singer/Songwriter/Producer, Workshop Designer/Facilitator/Platform Designer ICM, Owner Designer of One Clothing Unify, Radio show One Love Rising, the outreach Coordinator for WE, The World, Outreach support for An Urgent Message from Your Children and the Co founder of the Earth Dollar
Shannon Crossbear - ICM Co Founder/ Co Director/ Story Teller/ Program Designer/ Teacher/ Strong Heart Resource Development.
Bob Challenger ~ ICM Wave of Love Ambassador/ Honoring The Circle, Earth Day, Hug Niagara, The Peace House
David Kam ~ Imagination / Mother Earth Constitution/Think tank artist
Santosh Bidari Master Peace Napal, and School Builder and Director
Shannon Crossbear / Strong Heart Resource Development, International Children's Month Co Founder/Program Designer, Honoring The Circle Council member, Story teller, Ojibwe Grandmother, Water keeper. Bob Challenger: One of the Co creators that kept Earth Day going after it's initial launch, he invested a million dollars in a campaign to create earth day offices around the globe. Putting his heart and soul in to making sure that this wonderful opportunity to love our planet and each other stayed in effect. Bob is the Co founder and marketing head for International Children's Month, The Children's Global Waves of Love. Utilizing the Fibonacci of increasing increments of divine love, the sequence begins in the first time zone in New Zealand and completes it's cycle on the other side of the world in Hawaii. All time zones collectively intention, pray, meditate, sing, dance, whatever they feel called to contribute in the individuals heart space at 1: 11pm in each time zone. Creating an effective wave of love that crosses the planet on June 21st, and December 21st annually. Ambassador David Kam Imagine Nation/Torch relay/Earth Prince and Princess Program. Initial Supporter: International Children's Month, Our Mother Earth Constitution. Biography Santosh Bidari
For the Past fourteen Years, Santosh Bidari (1987) has been driven by his passion to bring together people regardless of cast, faith or cultural background. Music, art, media , education and nonformal education always play a central role in his campaigns. Directly as well as indirectly, thousands of people have been reached to generate attention for the social causes he has promoted. In 1996 war started in his country Nepal. At that time he was a school child. This situation made him aware of the direct and indirect effects of the war in his country and how it affects people individually and society as a whole. What followed was that Santosh decided to have a group of his friends help the needy ones. From that day his journey towards social service started. This group of friends organized gatherings gather for all the people of their village on special festivals and events and show them dramas that could inform them about peace and the benefits of peace in particular. Santosh and his group of friends made many efforts on the awareness of the people. In 2003, when he started college, he engaged in several charities. He started writing articles on social change, and after some time founded a weekly newspaper that interpreted, gave expression to the voice of the voiceless. In 2009 he founded Peace for People. 8 years into the program, the organization is active in many sectors in Nepal. Prominent examples of Peace for People projects are, Construction school building, foundation for education, scholarship, Quality education, women's empowerment. Santosh has set a goal for Peace for People By 2030 to create a network of 9000 active young leaders. They will be instrumental in youth leadership development and improving the rural education environment by engaging multiple youths. Santosh aims to provided 200 Teacher Training for the 44 school, 8000 scholarship, 350 women's sustainable by 2030. In 2012, Santosh granted an International Peace Award from the South Philippines Muslim and Non - Muslim Development Association. You can Follow Santosh Via Facebook Via LinkedIn |