One The Message from Mother Earth MP3 Supports The Children Of Earth with The Black Jaguar Foundation. Saving our Rain Forest.
Get the song Today ! www.heidilittle1.bandcamp.com
Been taken by
Foolishness of thought
Beauty to breathe
Depletion of non renewable resource
Time to testify
This dream is real.
One heart , One world, One Song.
New day has dawned
Time to justify
This life is real.
The chance has been taken
No more room to weep, solution.
One heart, One world, One song.
One dream, One life, One.
Sing it from the mountains
Sing it from the shore
Sing it from wherever you find yourself living for
Sing it for your freedom
Sing it for your friends
Sing it from the place inside of you that never ends
Sing it for our children
Sing it for the love
Sing it from the place inside of you that’s rising up.
Written by Heidi Little and our Planet 2009
International Children's Month is currently a volunteer based non-profit organization with countless people giving time, energy, & love to grow the movement, SPREAD THE WORD pass it on, our children's futures are being cultivated and loved. We are the ONE's we have been waiting for. Welcome Home.